控球能力極佳,且在90年代與Tom Glavine、John Smoltz並稱為三巨投的Greg Maddux即將於12月8日公開宣布將引退,退休後將回家陪家人,這位具有控球大師之稱的巨投的退休,也代表勇士其他兩位巨投可能將在最近兩三年結束球員生涯,讓許多球迷不勝唏噓,嘆時光匆匆流去,讓許多老球迷感到惋惜。


23年大聯盟生涯留下355勝227敗、四座塞揚獎、18次金手套、8度入選明星賽的Greg Maddux,從1988年到2007年連續拿下單季雙位數的勝投,早已是個名投手的Maddux預計在退役後五年提名名人堂的時候,會成為高票入選的選手,以他生涯投球局數5008局僅僅投出999次保送,一場球平均不到2次的四壞球,我們還能奢求什麼?

雖然有人笑說Maddux是避免再投下去會超過1000次保送,創造這樣的紀錄,但這也只是戲稱,而真正的要離開球場之際,許多球迷還是會懷念他穩穩的幫助勇士隊打下豐功偉業的時候,身為看著Greg Maddux長大的我也覺得歲月催人老,以一位1966年4月14出生的選手而言,投到今年42歲也已經值得了,又何況拿下連續13年的金手套,無人能敵,所貢獻給球隊或給棒球的紀念,夠多了。


引用 http://tinyurl.com/5h5xp3 的內文:

Greg Maddux has thrown his last pitch.


The four-time Cy Young winner will announce his retirement Monday at the baseball winter meetings, near his home in Las Vegas.

Maddux, who turns 43 in April, ranks eighth on the career wins list with 355.He went 8-13 with a 4.22 ERA last season with the San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers.

Maddux made three relief appearances in the playoffs for the Dodgers this year -- he had an 0.00 ERA over four innings -- and then filed for freeagency amid speculation he would retire.

On Friday, confirmation came from the office of Maddux's agent, Scott Boras.Maddux, his family and Boras will hold a news conference at the hotel where the meetings are being held to announce one of baseball's greatest pitchers is finished.

Last month, Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti left open the possibility that Maddux would return for a 24th season in the majors.

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