根據MLB的網站上顯示,道奇與響尾蛇兩邊交換球員及條件,道奇簽下了Orlando Hudson來補強二壘防區,但也要給響尾蛇今年第十七順位以及一個補償選秀權,這樣的交換對道奇來說是否有好處?
在外電的回應下面,許多人都擔心Blake DeWitt將會移防三壘或者往左外野發展,甚至發展空間遭到Orlando Hudson的壓縮而回到板凳,去年表現優異的Blake DeWitt才剛有表現的空間會不會因此而又消失不見?的確需要擔心。
圖:Orlando Hudson的加入對道奇來說,火力應是有所提升的
但以Joe Torre的想法來說,補強Orlando Hudson的打擊成績的確比新人Blake DeWitt的數據還要漂亮,況且Orlando Hudson站穩響尾蛇隊二壘手好幾年了,剛過32歲比起Blake DeWitt才24歲的潛力股,讓Blake DeWitt慢慢成長或許是Torre的考量,只是原本我以為去年都表現不錯的小朋友Matt Kemp、Andre Ethier、James Loney、Russell Martin這幾位25歲上下的打者能夠在今年繼續一同發威,這樣的想法可能會破滅掉。
對台灣球迷來說,Orlando Hudson的加入會讓胡金龍發展空間更小了,除非胡金龍的打擊狀況更好,不然胡金龍今年想要在道奇先發的機率是更小了,只是球團本來就應該以球隊的成績為主,希望吸引台灣球迷的注意也要胡金龍自己努力,而不是給他先發機會來吸引球迷,而失去了打擊更好的球員先發表現。
Dodgers, Orlando Hudson Agree To Terms
By Tim Dierkes [February 20, 2009 at 9:40pm CST]
9:36pm: ESPN's Keith Law calls Hudson's contract "easily one of the biggest bargains of the offseason." He does say that the Dodgers will miss the draft pick they lost and closes by saying, "the big question here is where the Mets were in all of this."
1:49pm: According to MLB.com's Ken Gurnick, Hudson gets $3.4MM guaranteed with another $4.6MM in incentives. Nice bargain for the Dodgers, though the draft pick loss hurts. ESPN's Jayson Stark says the Royals were offering a $4.6MM base salary, so it looks like they were willing to stretch the payroll
for Hudson.
1:36pm: Sirius XM’s MLB Home Plate is reporting Orlando Hudson has agreed in principle with the Dodgers, pending a physical.
The Diamondbacks lose their second baseman to a division rival, but also receive L.A.'s #17 pick in the June draft plus a supplemental pick.