美國時間9日,在季末被交易到釀酒人隊的Zack Greinke傳出因為打球而撞到木頭受傷,恐怕無法在開季時上場,不過慶幸的是這次受傷傷勢不嚴重,僅需要休息2週就好,只是2週後還需要持續訓練一下,才能回到球場上打球,讓球迷虛驚一場。
圖:Zack Greinke去年因交易而加入釀酒人隊
Zack Greinke's friends warned him against playing basketball but he didn't
listen, and now the Brewers' biggest offseason acquisition will begin the season
on the disabled list.
An MRI scan on Monday revealed the right-hander cracked a rib on his left
side when he went up to grab a rebound and fell to the hardwood in a pick-up
game during the first week of Spring Training. Club officials expect Greinke to
miss at least his first two or three starts of a regular season that begins
March 31 in Cincinnati.
Greinke, a good bet to be Milwaukee's Opening Day starter before he was hurt,
made two Cactus League appearances with sore ribs before undergoing the MRI on
Monday. It revealed a hairline fracture of his seventh rib and a bone bruise on
his eighth rib.
Zack Greinke的朋友勸誡他不要打籃球,但Zack Greinke執意要打,結果受傷,但經過MRI檢查後發現是肋骨裂傷,可能會影響到二到三次的先發任務,回到球場時間預估在3月31日,也接近球季開始之際,球團為了保險起見也不會貿然讓他直接上場。