
由於今年Alex Rodriguez因為開刀而可能喪失大半球季,外加上禁藥風波有可能讓他直接離開美國職棒大聯盟,洋基隨而補進去年被交易到白襪隊的前紅襪隊打者Kevin Youkilis補上三壘位置,但昨天Kevin Youkilis說出一段話或許會被人解讀成為讓洋基球團感到不是滋味的內容,原文如下:

Kevin Youkilis: “I’ll always be a Red Sock”

I like this interview with Kevin Youkilis in the Daily News, as he appears totally unwilling to take the bait we usually see laid for new members of the Yankees, especially ones who had a long tenure with another team.

You know the bait I mean: interviews which seem geared toward getting the player to talk about how special it is to be a Yankee and how much different and better and important it is. There’s almost a propaganda aspect to it,
actually. The first spring training interview with a new Yankee player is the first chance the tabloids or talk radio get to place the new guy in the True Yankee Continuum.

Here Youkilis, while sounding totally professional about his new team and new challenges, and while handling questions about hot button topics like A-Rod, Joba Chamberlain and The Rivalry, doesn’t lose perspective about his career:

“To negate all the years I played for the Boston Red Sox and all the tradition, you look at all the stuff I have piled up at my house, to say I’d just throw it out the window, that’s not true,” Youkilis said. “I’ll always be a Red Sock.”

It’ll be interesting to watch how the Yankees media reacts to and treats Youkilis this season. I imagine there’s a pretty big temptation to play up the Boston-New York stuff. Maybe even to use this quote against him somehow. But to me it sounds like he’s going to navigate it OK. Neither falling into the Yankees genuflection many expect of new arrivals nor allowing himself to be portrayed as some sort of heel.


這段報導指出Kevin Youkilis似乎對於紅襪隊還是有所回憶,但有被其他人解讀成為Kevin Youkilis人在洋基心在紅襪的感覺,但Kevin Youkilis在接下來的推特當中有做相當程度的回應:


Kevin Youkilis wanted to clarify yesterday's comments: said his heart is nowwith the Yankees, just can't erase his years in Boston.


Youkilis sought out reporters to clarify comments from yesterday: "my heart's here...that was in no way meant to say my heart's in Boston."


Youkilis: "I'll be proud to be a Yankee for life after this year, too."


Youk: "I'll have to watch what I say. Guys are having fun with it, joking around. Trust me, it wasn't meant to be "My heart is in Boston." "


Youk: "In the context of what I said, if you read it just as 'I'm always a Red Sock,' it looks bad. It's not that way. I'm a Yankee today."

Kevin Youkilis說:如果大家把那句I will always be a Red Sock看太重的話,或許就不清楚了,最後一則推特說明的很清楚:我現在在洋基,就是替洋基打球。

其實很簡單,當第一次由洋基對上紅襪的時候,看Kevin Youkilis對紅襪打球,認真的敲一發全壘打,或許就能讓洋基球迷感到安心了。

不過說真的,尤其像Kevin Youkilis在2001年被紅襪選上,2004就在大聯盟亮相的他,一直到去年年初都還在紅襪隊打球,對紅襪還有一定的回憶是很正常的,要說他是人在曹營心在漢的這種說法一定會有,或許也是因為洋基和紅襪是死對頭吧,才會有出現這樣的說法,只是在美國職棒球員來來去去,球員何時會轉隊都是不一定的事情,或許有些是主動要轉隊,或許有些球員就像水手隊的Felix Hernandez或光芒隊的Longoria從一而終是不多見的,但球員應該早就知道這些事情,只是情感上或許還是不能直接放手。



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